a new holocaust

"The message is, the cells are out here and they are already in place…They might not be cells of Islamic people, but they are here and they are ready to fight."
- August Kreis, Aryan
The holocaust may have ended with the close of World War 2. But if some have their way, that one was only just the beginning.
Those haunting words are not from some foreign extremist bent on bringing down the
If you think the violent days of the Klan,
The insurgency not only exists in places like
For some time we have heard speculation of al Qaeda’s desire to utilize Islamic extremists that do not “look Middle Eastern.” However it may be easier than that. Besides homegrown al Qaeda sympathizers, those we would least expect to become a part of an al Qaeda funded terrorist plot, may not only be white but non-Muslim. While ideologies are different, their focus, their enemies are the same.
Conspiracy theory, paranoid driven, belief that the Jews are out to dominate the world and control the government are shared by both al Qaeda, their affiliates, and the majority if not all of the white supremacist movement.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
As far as we know, al Qaeda has yet to make a noteworthy attempt to poison Americans on their own soil with nerve gas, Ricin, or some biological weapon.
-White-power interest in bioterrorism goes back to the early 1980s, when movement leader Bob Miles gave one group called the Covenant Sword and Arm of the Lord a barrel of cyanide to poison a major city's water supply.
-In 1993, Thomas Lavy, a member of the Aryan
-In 1995, a onetime Aryan
If there is any doubt that this kind of threat is dead. Read what Kreis is posting on his website. And remember that he is allowed to do so under the First Amendment created by the people of the very government he wishes to destroy.
"Given the complete failure of the so-called pro-white "Movement," for the past thirty years, to produce any results whatsoever, and barring some kind of total change in economic and social conditions which might allow for the rise of a genuine White mass movement, it would appear that our only real hope lies in small numbers of people acting individually or in very small groups. (Clarification for all you keyboard commandos: "acting" means getting out from behind your computer keyboards, message forums and actually DOI
The most recent example of this type of activity is the sharpshooter who wasted that Jew abortionist in
-August Kreis
While the two ideologies do not share the same beliefs or all the same goals. They both are willing to dip their fingers in the same blood. They both are looking for a new holocaust.